Saturday, April 08, 2006

Family visit

Everyone were excited about Ethan. Maureen while still on drip, managed to have some quiet time with her precious. Imagine Ethan in her womb. He is huge! Can't blame Mauren to complaining about back pain. If it was me, I would have been bed ridden for months before delivery! Day 1 was a very rewarding day for Maureen and I. Finally, we get to see our son in person. Hello! While the next 2 days in the hospital was extremely tiring for us, waking up every 3 hours just to breastfeed the little one, more so for Maureen, we were glad we got through it.

Unfortunately, due to jaundice, we had precious moments with him before he had to go back to the nursery for light treatment. Oh I forgot to tell you guys, Ethan is G6PD. What is it? Well, he does not have certain enzymes in his system. It is genetic. Imagine our horror when they informed us early in the morning (day 2) at 7am. In our semi-awake state, Dr Wong told us about it. Why! How!?! Questions came to me, slowly; but I was too tired to ask. It is ok lah. Now, we know what it is and how to deal with it.Posted by Picasa


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