Teaser: Do you know who is this kid?
Ok.. ta-da! Here's Elijah. Born last year (2008), Elijah is our latest addition in the Tham family. You'll see a lot more of him in the next few blog posts.
A quick thought from this father of two.. Having kids really change the way you view the world.
I still remember in the not too distant past, drinking a jug of Long Island Tea was the best way to spend a Saturday nite. Not any more.
On the other hand, while Ethan's arrival was like stepping into the unknown, Elijiah's arrival was like a visit from an old friend. Many couples with kids would tell you that the initial excitement is lost for the 2nd kid. There are some truth in this. I mean, we don't worry that much during Mau's last trimester; the visit to the hospital was almost routine; we talked about how we'll handle Elijah.. in another words, we did not "kanang kaboh".
Perhaps sometime to tell Elijah about when he is older and reads this blog; it's not that daddy did not care any lesser; but daddy was more confident to be your daddy. Those mistakes that we made with Ethan, we know we will not. For example, when Ethan fell off the bed when he was about 9 months old.. I'm proud to say we had been diligent in 'implementing contigency plans' to make sure that does not happen. Daddy knew more about how to take care of you; that i think is important.
Mommy and Daddy loves you..
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