Friday, November 30, 2007

Addiction... prawning.

Its a double date with Serena and Samuel in November 2007. What started out as a casual prawning during Mau's company outing a couple of months ago got me hooked on prawning. For those of you that don't understand, allow me to explain...
Prawning is really relaxing and a great way to spend your time with your wife. Mau likes knitting, and prawning allows us to hang out together. Plus! we get to EAT what we catch! Nevermind we aren't pro fisherman. Its not the catch that counts, for a small fee, we get to spend 3 hours idling around. haha..
OK. More about this particular outing. It was Serena's 2nd prawning session. According to her, her first outing was highly successful. Well, it didn't work out that great for Ms Serena this time.
But nevertheless, I think we all had fun. Stay tune for more prawning tips in my future blogs.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Baby you can play my "drums"

Congratulations Wai Kit!

Its November 2007 and Wai Kit, the last of our bunch of ACS boys is getting married, FINALLY!
I think he did a great job and of course I am happy for him. Getting married is a big thing. His was held in Raffles Hotel! Wohoo!
Real friends are had to come by. Through the many years, I've been burnt a couple of times when I picked the wrong card. These people you see in this page are worthy friends. They would go through thick and thin with me. I would too.
Of course this was also the last time we can get Wai Kit drunk. We love him drunk. The best show is always when Wai Kit is drunk. Yo bro. Remember the last new year celebration in Mark's house (2006)? Or after my wedding in the wedding suite? Haha.
Time will past but these memories are keepers. I look forward to the future; when we are a bunch of old grumpy men sitting in a coffee shop.. haha..