Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ethan's first excursion: Sentosa's Underwater world.. Feb 2009

Wow! My son went for his first excursion. My son has grown up. As a parent, letting go is hard. Can he handle himself? Yet, this trip allowed 1 adult to go with him; Grandma went along and came back to tell us more too.. hee..
Ethan is a really mild mannered kid. He's easily afraid of things he is unsure of. That's no issue with me. I think he will outgrow this. But this also shows his loving nature. He follows instructions if asked. And he flashes his "V" willingly. Come to think of it. Where did he learnt the "V" and typical grin? I don't know. haha.
This catalogue of events (God-forbide this site to crash!!) is meant for my sons. For them to know what they did. But also to let them know my thoughts.
We are all excited to know what happened. I am even a little jealous Grandma was present and I wasn't. Yet, it is about letting go. And I am calm. I hope, when I get to be a grand-dad, I am able to share my time and love with my grandkids too...

Remember the green tub? Feb 2009

Remember the green tub? Its the same tub Ethan sat in when we needed to get a picture for his passport. Doesn't he look cute in that green tub?

The many faces of Elijah.. Feb 2009

Do you notice Elijah? He's so full of expressions. He's really one baby that shows his emotions through his actions. That's good. He's not shy, unlike his elder brother. Perhaps that's why I am amazed. How can 2 kids, both conceived by Maumau and I, yet become so different. That's something only parents understand. I did not fathom something like this until I am a parent. Yet, we love both. How can you not love? Both are absolutely adorable, and show us their love unconditionally.
Elijah also has start to utter words and sounds. His first words are Pa! Same as Ethan. Am I proud? Of course! And my kids are attached to me; and I dare say, to me more than any other.

Ethan's nursery; playing in the yard and going home. Feb 2009

There's a playground in the kindergarten, Ethan seems unsure of what to do. I guess being the first born at home, he doesn't have other kids to play with. I am sure he will be OK.
While going home, Ethan was happy. Do you see the plastic bag I am carrying in my hand? Hee.. wanna guess what is inside?

Ethan's nursery classroom Feb 2009.

I vaguely remember my nursery/kindergarten. It was first in a Presbyterian kindergarten in town, and then I attended a PAP kindergarten.
Although I can't remember much, I do remember singing a lot. I think for parents expecting kindergarten to be the foundation of their kids' education, I beg to differ.
Kids should be kids. They should be allowed to play and learn at their own pace. It's not about whether which kid can recite his/her ABC earlier or fastest. Kids at this age should be allowed to explore, learn to be good little people. And more importantly, who is Jesus and that Jesus loves them.

Ethan's first day of school .. Feb 2009

It's Ethan's first day of school. Kids gathered in the foyer and were then lead into the worship hall. Ethan's nursey, Zion Presbyterian Kindergarten, was the nearest and yet, by grace of God, although we registered late, we still got Ethan into the nursery. I believe, the foundation of knowing Jesus is important at a young age. See he looks happy.. we hope we can get him to be more independent.