Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ethan and Papa.. Dec 2008

My son and I share a close relationship. I remember taking care of him when he was a little new born. How I was upset knowing my son is G6PD. How when he fell off the bed for the first time, I was almost hysterical (ask maumau, she knows). How I look forward to seeing how he fairs when he attended his first day of school. My son and I are close and I am proud of this. I know this relationship is for a lifetime and he will love and respect me as a father like no other. I will also stay firm to gain his respect. Respect is earned. I love you, my son.

Elijah! A happy 8 month old baby.

Here's more of Elijah! You can really enjoy how intelligent Elijah is.

Do you see anything similar? Dec 2008

See anything similar? Ethan wore the same sweater when he was a 8 month old baby too! Also the cot and baby sitter were used by Ethan too. Elijah gets to share a lot of same common stuff with Ethan. When you get older, you boys will get to see the same sweater you both wore!

Its Christmas for Elijah too! Dec 2008

For Elijah, his first Christmas may be pretty mild. I'm sure the next one will be great fun for him. On the other hand, we do feel blessed that Elijah, our little cute baby, is animated to show us what he wants. He lies on his bed and plays happily with his toy Gymbo the clown. He smiles sweetly at us or gives us his cheeky grin. That's my Elijah. A baby without care but seems to be enjoying every minute of it.

Merry christmas to all!! Dec 2008

Its Christmas! Its presents time. Ethan certainly enjoys all the presents. I am happy too. I want my kid to enjoy Christmas. I want him to know that many people loves him. I believe he knows.

Circus! And Christmas! Dec 2008

Its christmas in a mall and Ethan seems to have enjoyed all the circus events.. except for that scary Santa Claus?

Manchester United fan? Dec 2008

We got Ethan a Man U football jersy. Nice?

Congrats uncle Spencer and auntie Magdalene!.. Dec 2008

It was one of those very happy moments. I remember it pretty well. Perhaps it is also an occasion that Ethan shines as a handsome and happy boy. Elijah, a bright baby. I was also a happy father and husband. For Spencer and Mag, they looked lovely. We're really happy for them. Congrats!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I am 8 months old!! Dec 2008

Elijah is now 8 months old. Do you know, Elijah has started eating Gerber, and he enjoys it more than milk!!

Happy B'day Grandma!! nov 2008..

Its november and its mom's B'day. Here Ethan's really enjoying all the B'days. To Ethan, all B'days are Ethan's B'day..

Wii.. an addictive yet entertaining game

Even mom tried and liked the Wii. now Wiii is our every Sunday nite tourament..

Elijah is now 7 months old!!

Elijah is growing up so fast.. He is now 7 months old.. the tiny baby that looked so small and fragile is now a baby that the brother can hug..