Wow! My son went for his first excursion. My son has grown up. As a parent, letting go is hard. Can he handle himself? Yet, this trip allowed 1 adult to go with him; Grandma went along and came back to tell us more too.. hee..
Ethan is a really mild mannered kid. He's easily afraid of things he is unsure of. That's no issue with me. I think he will outgrow this. But this also shows his loving nature. He follows instructions if asked. And he flashes his "V" willingly. Come to think of it. Where did he learnt the "V" and typical grin? I don't know. haha.
This catalogue of events (God-forbide this site to crash!!) is meant for my sons. For them to know what they did. But also to let them know my thoughts.
We are all excited to know what happened. I am even a little jealous Grandma was present and I wasn't. Yet, it is about letting go. And I am calm. I hope, when I get to be a grand-dad, I am able to share my time and love with my grandkids too...