Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's fun for a 11/2 year old kid?

We always want to give the best to our kids. We want to give our kids what we did not have when we were kids ourselves.
I put myself in Ethan's shoes; what do I really want?
We buy plenty of clothes for him and try to give what we deem as "the best".
Perhaps that's why I bought these "toys" for him.
This is October 2007. He has his own indoor "playground" (even before he knew how to walk), and the latest toy is a portable DVD player.
He watches Barney every night before falling asleep.
OK ok. Understandably, we may have unknowingly spoilt him. But what can I say? I am only a parent. Wouldn't you have done the same thing?

A trip back to Malaysia.

In August, one of Maureen's uncle passed away. Maureen attended the wake and came back with lots of pictures and memories. That night, we spend some time talking about what was it like going back to her relative's place.
Personally, I feel this is a good trip for Maureen. She took a break, visited relatives, and I believe this trip improved her relationship with her siblings.
More importantly, being away also let me appreciate my wife better. Perhaps a little bit about Maureen.
She's one of a kind. Loving, passionate, and traditional. She's quiet among strangers, but jovial and fun among friends. She's loyal and steadfast. She's mine, and I'll treasure her for a long long time. Mau mau.. my love.

I don't like taking pictures!

Ethan is not a smile alot type of kid in front of a camera. He's not really camera shy. He just doesn't like to look directly at or smile at a black box that flashes.
If I'm a 1 year old kid; I would probably have the same attitude toward a camera. We've taken hundreds of pictures (probably into the thousands now). These are some where we manage to get Ethan to look at the camera.
The hope that I can "groom" him into the next top male model is fading.
Just be happy. That's what papa wants for you, Ethan. Be a decent human being is probably more important than making it into Singapore Idol.