Saturday, July 12, 2008

Parenthood. what is it all about? July 2008

Perhaps many of my cousins and of cours my sis too, may wonder, what's the big hurry?
Believe me, that's what I thought so too.
But being a parent is really a leap of faith.
Think about it. Before getting married; isn't the idea of getting married redundant?
Its really not about the HDB or combine income tax. Its a leap of faith to say, lets try doing it together officially.
Its the same. Before having Ethan, I am children-phobic. I wanna go out and enjoy the so called "2 person world". But seriously guys, take my advice, part of getting married is to have kids. The moment your kid is born, you will get a purpose of why you are married. Why both of you are together. And also, you get a common bond as a couple too.
OK, so you'll have to skip the midnight movies. Whoopiedoo.. and the exciting backpacking holidays. And depending on how many kids, you'll have to X4 the cost of all your holidays. But, what you get back is... FULFILMENT. The joy of family. The laughter when your kid does the silliest thing. And the warmth when your kid comes over and hug you for love and safety.
No money can buy you that fulfilment.
This thing about family is really not old fashion and new lifestyle. Many couples don't get it. If you feel that you can get the same fulfiment from getting a pet, or going on a long holiday, or rewarding yourself with a long awaited gift, or maybe even buying that penthouse up on The Sail; then you're kidding yourself.
Life is not about your own fulfilment. Life is about moving on. Its about what you are and who you arel but more so, how can you impart that little bit of your unique self to another being.
I have come to enjoy time spent with my kids. My recent trip in Thailand was a rewarding experience. I get to share what I love about Bangkok with my son. And there will be many chances in future (I hope). And I am happy... THESE FULFILMENT.. no $$ can buy... as the Visa advert says.. its PRICELESS...
I hope I did not piss anyone off. I just want to share these happy thoughts with you guys. My family.
PS. For more information on what is parenthood 101, drop us an email.. we offer customised classes from M-F, only after the kids have slept.. heehee..

Happy Birthday Great Grandma!! July 19th 2008

Perhaps many of you don't know my grandma. You see, we stayed together during my development years. I have fond memories of her and my grandfather. Grandparents are important to kids. In Asian countries, where most parents are out working, its the grandparents that help nurture the kids. I know. I am happy to have lived with my grandparents. Happy birthday, Mahmah. On a sad note, grandma is becoming "childlike". Of course this also reminds me that its a circle of life. I think differently before I had children. I was afraid. But now, I know. I am leaving a legacy. A good legacy. And if my kids turn out well. I know, I have done a good job. Kids, papa will try to make you proud.

Can you tell who Elijah looks like? July 2008

Its 2 1/2 months liao. Surely you can tell (especially the ears give away the biggest clue) who Elijah looks like.
My dearest Mau mau of course. Its fair. 1 for mau mau and 1 for me. Of course we love both of you equally.
Its also nice to see how Elijah is growing. Elijah has the smartest eyes. He looks as if he knows what you are saying to him. He looks like he understands. Perhaps this is true. You see. Elijah can express himself well even when he's a small baby. One of the things is unlike Ethan, he dislikes milk!! Yes. But he likes to sleep. He'll fall asleep very easily. No long dreary rocking. Just a quick 5 mins of humming/singing and he's in dreamland. No wonder grandma can't put him down..

More of Ethan after the Bangkok trip July 2008

What did he remember most? I think it's probably the bathe time. He got to play in the tub for hours.
Play time is important for Ethan. Here, he's playing with his drum set. Looks like a pro. He has his fans too (or 2).

Friday, July 11, 2008

Trip to Thailand Bangkok July 2008

Our Trip to Thailand in July 2008. Was one of the best trip for me. I get to spend time with 2 of my most loved. What more to ask for? It was a simple trip to Thailand. But seeing Ethan enjoys himself is great. Dream world!! A must go for any family outings to Bangkok. Of course, how can we miss out good Thai food and shopping?!?!

Elijah.. July 2008

Elijah is so much different from our first born Ethan. Don't mind me saying it again and again. Here's something similar though. Both of them likes to bite their mittens.