Monday, April 20, 2009

We have another good news!! Maumau is pregnant again! April 2009

After so many birthdays, we are now going to expect another birth this year! YES! MAU IS PREGNANT! Well, we kinda know it a couple of weeks ago, but delayed till recently to get checked.
For those of you that says, "ah ha! This must be an accident!" no no no no. We planned. Mau and I decided to try to have another baby.
Another point we have not shared. Honestly, when you plan to have a baby, it is not easy. Having a baby means you need to make sure both of you "work hard" when the chance of being pregnant is high. For those that want to know our successful technique, you can email us privately. Hahaha..
OK, seriously, we are delighted. I think Mau is happy as she is hoping this time, it will be a girl. A you can see, there is 75% are guys. Mau is now currently the only girl in the family. So my little baby in my Mau's womb, we are hoping you're our long awaited Matilda.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am 1 year old. Hear me roar! part 5 april 2009

My name's Elijah. I am Ethan's younger brother and i am 1 year old today!

Yummy cake.. part 4 april 2009

Argh. ku-ku is cutting up the cake!!!

You like the uniform? part 3 april 2009

These are our uniform. this year, uncle monster, ku-ku yvonne, and grand uncle steven all had uniforms too.
i hope everyone likes them.

Elijah's 1 year old! part 2 .. april 2009

We are all up in arms. As you can see, we all have "elijah uniforms".
The cake we bought was from the same store where we bought Ethan's cake. It is a custom cake. Cost us $200.
It is not just for you, but also for all to enjoy the cake. To enjoy your celebrations.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Elijah's is 1 year old!! part 1 April 2009

It's finally Elijah's birthday. My dear son, you are now 1 year old. Its a sigh of relieve and a sense of contentment to know that you are now 1 year old. And we want to share this with all our friends and family. And they will come. Because we all love you. You look so smart in your cute T-shirt. And we start the day, preparing for your celebrations, taking out all the chairs for everyone.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Elijah was born a month before my birthday (we picked the date) in Mt. Alvernia Hospital. Same nurses, MAH offers us the really nice and cozy atmosphere we loved.
Checked-in in the afternoon of a day in April 2008, we were all ready (more pictures coming soon). Unfortunately they did not have a single room and so we had to check into a suite and was transferred into a single ward later.
It was a smooth delivery. Everything went as scheduled. However, I remembered feeling overwhelmed when I first saw Elijah outside the op theatre. Partly due to some workload; but seeing my new-born baby was like Elijah was telling me everything is going to be alright.
Elijah was much lighter than Ethan; smaller and looks more fragile; he is really a blessing. Fortunately he is not G6PD. Mau coped better in this delivery.
We checked out 3 days later.

Here's to u!

It's been a hectic crazy month (or actually more than a couple of months). Honestly, sometimes I feel so tired. Don't want to bitch too much but life's like that isn't it.

We sometimes just want to say.. )@_$)%^#@!

Anyway, back to the topic; we've started teaching Ethan how to point but unknown to us (must be genetics), he points with his ermm... "unique" finger! That's when he was 2 years old.

He doesn't do that anymore. HAHA.. This is a great picture. yes?

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Teaser: Do you know who is this kid?

Ok.. ta-da! Here's Elijah. Born last year (2008), Elijah is our latest addition in the Tham family. You'll see a lot more of him in the next few blog posts.

A quick thought from this father of two.. Having kids really change the way you view the world.

I still remember in the not too distant past, drinking a jug of Long Island Tea was the best way to spend a Saturday nite. Not any more.

On the other hand, while Ethan's arrival was like stepping into the unknown, Elijiah's arrival was like a visit from an old friend. Many couples with kids would tell you that the initial excitement is lost for the 2nd kid. There are some truth in this. I mean, we don't worry that much during Mau's last trimester; the visit to the hospital was almost routine; we talked about how we'll handle Elijah.. in another words, we did not "kanang kaboh".

Perhaps sometime to tell Elijah about when he is older and reads this blog; it's not that daddy did not care any lesser; but daddy was more confident to be your daddy. Those mistakes that we made with Ethan, we know we will not. For example, when Ethan fell off the bed when he was about 9 months old.. I'm proud to say we had been diligent in 'implementing contigency plans' to make sure that does not happen. Daddy knew more about how to take care of you; that i think is important.

Mommy and Daddy loves you..

OK! So I have slacked!

ok guys.. sorry sorry sorry.. we've not posted anything since we last came back from Australia. That was what, 2 years ago! A lot has happened..

Ethan has grown up..
He had has 2nd and 3rd birthday..
We worked hard and had Elijah..
Elijah is come 1 year old! yup yup!


Maureen is pregnant again!!! yes!!

Ok, so there is really really a lot more that has happened.. So hang in there for more updates.. i'll have to update 2 years of info!!