We have another good news!! Maumau is pregnant again! April 2009
This blog is dedicated to our sons, Ethan and Elijah. You changed our lives and we hope we will make yours a great journey. (2006) This blog is now a window into our family live. To our dear ones, this is our way to share with you. (2009) This blog includes our new addition, Matilda, or daughter, our precious. Every day is a new day for our family. (2010)
We sometimes just want to say.. )@_$)%^#@!
Anyway, back to the topic; we've started teaching Ethan how to point but unknown to us (must be genetics), he points with his ermm... "unique" finger! That's when he was 2 years old.
He doesn't do that anymore. HAHA.. This is a great picture. yes?
Ok.. ta-da! Here's Elijah. Born last year (2008), Elijah is our latest addition in the Tham family. You'll see a lot more of him in the next few blog posts.
ok guys.. sorry sorry sorry.. we've not posted anything since we last came back from Australia. That was what, 2 years ago! A lot has happened..